Despite the global condemnation of poaching and the resources that have been mobilised to safeguard endangered wildlife, well-funded and well-equipped poaching groups continue to pose a real threat to Africa’s wildlife. As long as the illegal demand for wildlife-related products exists, endangered species worldwide, even those under Lewa’s protection, will be under constant threat.
Lewa must continually adapt to the rapidly evolving threat of poaching in order to protect the wildlife under its care.
North of our boundary lies a traditionally unstable landscape with occasional cases of cattle rustling, road banditry and inter-tribal conflict. Our team is regularly called upon to support local law enforcement authorities in ensuring that the landscape remains safe.
Our Response
Our anti-poaching work, in line with Lewa’s philosophy is centered around people. We believe our success is attributed to:
- Our work with communities – who provide the first line of defence against poachers.
- Our well-trained and motivated team – our rangers are passionate about conservation and wildlife protection
- Great teamwork between radio operators, gatekeepers and the anti-poaching rangers.
- Our innovative use of technology that allows us to gather the best intelligence
Positive Results
As a result of our work , we’ve achieved the following:
- 0% rhino poaching rate since 2020.
- Across northern Kenya, the Proportion of Illegal Killed Elephants (PIKE) levels have significantly decreased in the past 5 years.
- Hundreds of livestock have been returned to their owners, saving the farmers from financial ruin and bankruptcy.
- There is an increase in peace and stability in the communities surrounding Lewa-Borana, thanks to our combined efforts with the Kenya Police and the Kenya Wildlife Service.