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Lewa 360

All unrestricted support to Lewa is a gift to Lewa 360, enabling your donation to be applied where it is needed most. As a Lewa 360 donor, your support benefits both communities and conservation, ensuring healthy ecosystems and biodiversity, improved health and livelihoods, and increased access to education, rather than support of a single programme. Please consider an unrestricted gift when you support Lewa, helping foster this integrated approach.

Online Donations

United States Donations

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Canada Donations

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UK Donations

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Donations from anywhere else in the world

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Lewa Legacy

When you include a gift to Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in your will or estate plan, you create a lasting personal legacy by helping to ensure Lewa can continue to protect wildlife, conserve landscapes, and uplift communities in northern Kenya for generations to come. Learn more about how you can make a profound impact through an estate gift and join Lewa Legacy below.

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Gifts by Cheque

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy USA
P.O Box 23860
New York, NY, 10087-3860
United States
EIN: 87-0572187

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy Canada

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy Canada
Department of Psychology
York University
4700 Keele St,
Toronto, ON – M3J IP3

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy UK
P.O. Box 1686 Berkhamsted
Herts HP4 9FE

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated marketable stocks can have an immediate impact while providing an income tax deduction for you based on the assets’ current value. Gifts of stock can be made to support conservation efforts at Lewa by providing your broker with the following Lewa Wildlife Conservancy account information:

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (USA)

Phone: 646.883.2870

Gifts of Stock:

DTC# 0352, J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
Customer Name: Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
Account Number: 20216352

Wire Transfers:

Please contact if you wish to make a donation by wire transfer.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Canada)

Complete the Notification of Securities Transfer and email it to:

  • Instruct your broker to transfer your securities to Lewa Canada’s brokerage account. Please do not transfer your securities before emailing the notification form to us (we need to alert our broker that the donation is coming).

Brokerage Information:

  • Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Canada)
  • c/o RBC DS
  • Account #: 439-06881-19-KVF
  • CUID #: DOMA
  • DTC #: 5002

Contact: Beverly Holder (416-231-2737) or Brad Porter (416-231-7466)

  • A charitable tax receipt will be issued for the closing price of the securities on the day of the transfer to Lewa. In order to receive a tax receipt for the current year, securities must be in the Lewa brokerage account by 5 pm on December 31st of that year.
Download & Complete the PDF

Please note that, in strict conformance with IRS guidelines, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, USA does not accept contributions that are earmarked or required to be distributed to any particular charitable organization. While donors may suggest that their gifts be used for a specific purpose and every effort will be made to see that their request is honored, these requests are ultimately non-binding on Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, USA. The Trustees of Lewa Wildlife Conservancy USA have complete discretion and control over the ultimate disposition of any contributions received by the organization. This ensures that gifts made to Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, USA are tax-deductible to the donor and that Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, USA fulfils its duties and obligations as a US tax-exempt organization under section 501 (c)(3) of the Code. Whenever possible, donors are encouraged to make unrestricted contributions.

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