The Lewa – Borana Landscape (LBL) is a semi-closed landscape made up of the Lewa Wildlife
Conservancy, Borana Wildlife Conservancy (BWC), and Ngare Ndare Forest (NNF). The
landscape has wildlife migratory gaps/routes connecting the adjoining conservancies to the north
and northwest, and the Mt. Kenya Forest to the south.
These gaps allow wildlife movement to new habitats, while at the same time easing the population pressure when the landscape is constrained.
Other key factors in this landscape that affects wildlife population dynamics are births, deaths, and
translocations. Frequent wildlife count is therefore key in tracking the effects of these influencing
factors for the effective management of wildlife populations.
The main objectives of the annual wildlife count on LBL are to:
1. Determine species abundance.
2. Derive and compare past and current species population trends.
3. Propose conservation priorities.
Check out our comprehensive game count report for 2023