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A Starry Night in Kenya was held at the Metropolitan Club in New York City on October 30, 2019. This event celebrated Lewa’s evolving partnership with the neighbouring community conservancy, Il Ngwesi. Il Ngwesi, Lewa and Borana have worked closely for decades, and the people of Il Ngwesi have taken the next step in their conservation journey by making a commitment to reintroduce the black rhino on their land, in partnership with Lewa and Borana. Jonathan Baillie, Executive Vice President and Chief Scientist at the National Geographic Society spoke at the event and introduced Kip ole Polos, the Board Chair of Il Ngwesi.

Kip has been instrumental in Il Ngwesi’s evolution and is now leading efforts to establish the new rhino sanctuary. Proceeds from the evening will be used to support Lewa’s operations, and to lay the foundation for the new rhino sanctuary, which will include training, infrastructure development, the translocation of rhinos and more. This exciting project is a win not only for wildlife but also for the Il Ngwesi community by improving their biodiversity, creating new jobs and attracting more eco-tourism.

Asante sana to all who joined us – thank you for helping us make the event a Starry Success!



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