As at 2021, there are 51 Specktron boards (interactive LED displays) installed with Kolibri e-learning platform, across 23 Lewa Education Program schools together with 802 tablets and 215 Mini PCs, 58 desktop and laptop computers and 115 classroom network devices benefiting over 7,500 students.
Lewa’s Digital Literacy Programme is a collaborative approach to supporting school teachers and their learners, aimed at extending the benefits of digital technology across 23 schools in the communities surrounding Lewa.
The Digital Literacy Programme harnesses individual learning potential and allows young people to flourish in enhanced schooling environments. The Programme enables a more tailored approach to education which in turn, increases overall learners’ performance.
An Overview
- Lewa digital literacy runs a reading program that provides learners with an opportunity to increase reading, writing, test taking, and study skills at the instructional level.
- In 2021, 90 titles were read by learners across 23 schools with more than 13,300 new words identified during reading sessions. 5 learners participated in national spelling bees.
- Through the mobile library, 2500 book aids books and resources, 984 readers and 567 club diaries were issued to 2,888 learners in 19 primary schools making a total 2,730 readers and 2,680 club diaries issued since 2018.
- Ntugi Primary school’s library was equipped with 2,074 readers and reading resources. Making a total of 10 libraries across 23 supported schools.
- 20 new teachers were trained in library management and how to run a reading session. While 50 teachers took refresher training on the same making a total of 138 teachers trained.
- 50 new teachers and 2,542 learners were trained in basic digital skills and how to use the Kolibri e-learning platform making a total of 300 teachers and 8,990 learners trained in the last 2 years.
- 3,126 new learners and 300 coaches (teachers) enrolled on the Kolibri e- learning platform making a total of 6,728 enrolled in the last 2 years across 23 Lewa Education Program (LEP) schools.
Conservation Education
Through the Pan African Conservation Education (PACE) project partnership, a PACE channel with conservation education resources was deployed in 23 Lewa Education Program(LEP) schools. Through PACE resources and Lewa Conservation Education Programme, 8 primary schools have adopted projects and action sheets in their schools.
- Learners in Rugusu Primary school, one of the LEP supported schools, had a virtual link up with 91 kids from Next Generation of Conservationists in the UK in partnership with PACE.
- 37 teachers and community youths from Ngare ndare community participated in Digital skills workshop facilitated by Huawei, Computers for Schools Kenya (CFSK), Safaricom and LWC.
How We Do It
The programme, is led by a team of six permanent Lewa employees together with additional volunteers/interns. These dedicated individuals operate a three-pronged approach: technology, integration, and supplemental learning. To supplement the national government programme and teacher training, Lewa also designs and provides:
- A technology integrated reading programme to improve reading levels and promote a reading culture in schools and at home.
- Supplemental activities like reading and writing are conducted with the aid of technology and built-in software.
- Mentorship Program- in-school and after-school mentorship to train learners on life skills, employability, and leadership skills.
“Covid-19 further emphasized the inequalities between those who have access to digital learning and those who do not in communities around Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and beyond. Through Lewa’s Digital Literacy Programme, we are building a digitally literate community by equipping learners with both cognitive and technical skills to find, evaluate, create, and share information with others. Across the 23 LWC supported schools, teachers and learners are using ICT as a tool to positively impact their learning outcomes.”
Alfred Muriuki, Lewa Digital Literacy Program Coordinator.
In 2020, the Lewa Education Programme (LEP) staff undertook over 250 home visits to assess learning needs following the closure of the learning institutions due to COVID 19. A survey conducted during these visits showed that learners needed support to take part in remote learning as they lacked not just essential equipment, but also a structured system incorporating their peers and access to teachers. The students’ remote location and internet expenses were a key obstacle to accessing even the available free online resources.
The DLP team used this opportunity to redesign a remote learning system to ensure all students, regardless of their situations, are able to learn effectively from home. Aside from delivering the school curriculum, the platform will be used to train learners on life skills, soft skills, such as communication and overall digital competency, and remotely engage them during long holidays.